A review by ablotial
One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia


I picked up this book from the nearby Little Free Library, and when I got home to add it to goodreads I was surprised to see that I had read it a little over 10 years ago. Typically I at least remember that I read a book, even if I don't remember all the details about it. But this one I had no memory of at all. As I was reading, I thought maybe I picked up a few pieces that sounded familiar, but overall I had no idea what was coming.

I enjoyed the book, although it won't be a favorite. I might be less likely to forget it this time around since I've learned more about the events that the girls were experiencing in the 10 years since I read it the first time. I like how the author interweaves history with their personal story. At the end of the book, I found myself wishing that it continued. I would love to know how the girls lives and interactions with their father and grandmother and other school kids changed as a result of this crazy summer. They learned so much and their attitudes about a lot of things shifted. As I went to write this review, I noticed it says "Gaither Sisters #1" after it, so perhaps I will look into the sequel from my local library to see if it scratches that itch.