A review by pacific_blue4
Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan


Francis Chan's Crazy Love is a call to Christians everywhere to examine their walk with God. After finishing the book, I have to ask myself the same kinds of questions he poses. How can I say I believe in God and love Him and call myself a Christian if I don't have a walk that is worthy of Him? How can I let my relationship with Christ languish as I lounge in front of the television day in and day out and continue to live for myself?

This isn't to say that there aren't supposed to be moments of relaxation in our lives and that we won't slip every now and then in certain aspects, but it's also to say that we can't really have any excuses about not seeking and living for Jesus. If I spend 95% of my time on myself and what I want and what seems fun to me, I'm not really living the way Jesus calls. Would Jesus say, "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me" (Matthew 10:38) if it weren't true?

John 3:19 talks of men loving darkness more than light. When we start to draw near to God, we go from being spiritually immature to moving into more mature matters, such as the deepest depths of our hearts. And as unpleasant things are exposed, it can be too easy to become uncomfortable and think that we can't go on and turn our backs on God because of what makes us squirm or make excuses and throw in a "but" about everything God wants to fix in our lives. But to do so is the biggest mistake ever.

I've begun to experience God changing my heart in massive ways as I spend more and more time with Him, and I am convinced and know that following Him daily is what He wants for everyone. I'd always point to the Bible above any book on how God wants us to live, but Crazy Love has caused me to examine my walk with the Lord more closely.