A review by cavityfila
Out of Breath by Rebecca Donovan


I was pretty disappointed with this book, as most of the other reviews have stated. I was soooooo looking forward to it coming out because I absolutely loved the previous two, that I though Rebecca Donovan could do no wrong. Unfortunately, this book did not live up to those expectations. As moving and passionate as the other two books were, this book really fell flat. It was more of the usual college romance, we keep seeing in the NA genre, without the passionate love and turmoil that made the others great.

Now don't get me wrong, I still loved Emma and Evan together and I'm glad that finally happens. But you really only see them happy at the end of the book with a lot of filler in between. Still glad I read it, because of course I had to see through to the end, that's how much I loved the other two.

Some nice surprises were the supporting characters. I liked Emma's new friends and Cole was a real cutie. Spinoff anyone????