A review by readingrobin
The Frame-Up by Wendy McLeod MacKnight


Oh my god, this book was so adorable. I'm still reeling from that perfect ending.

I guess the only word I can think of when thinking of this book is pure. There isn't any misplaced comedy or really anything I had a problem with.
Although there was a time skip that I was a little confused by, as there wasn't really any indication of one other than context clues.
I don't know if this was the publisher's or author's decision, but I'm glad they included pictures of the art pieces within the book, while also giving some history of the actual art gallery.

This is a book that would please kids who are interested in art and any other who dream of a world where paintings come to life. It's something we've all thought of at some point, but I haven't yet read a book where that was the entire plot.

It's really just a great standalone. Definitely get a recommendation from me.