A review by vharty
Breakfast Served Anytime by Sarah Combs


I'm a sucker for diners and camp - so this book was kind of like finding a small slice of high school while reshelving books at work. This book was nothing like I expected it to be but in the best way possible. I was expecting your stereotypical formula of Girl goes to Camp. Girl meets Boy. Summer Camp Romance that melts with the changing leaves of the Fall. That's not what this book was about and I think it made me love it even more. I loved the characters - especially Calvin (I would jump on the Calvin bandwagon in a hot second). The whole experience that Gloria and her friends travel through is true and honest - those days that change everything, those friends who only spend a summer with but change your life, that one professor who spins your world on a different axis for a few weeks. But I loved that Gloria was wrong and she learned from it. Not in a whole earth shattering way but the way it happens when you spend that one summer at camp and grow up. And I loved the ending. It was a little corny the way it happened but what it said was real. I hate cookie cutter endings. I hate endings that go "happily ever after" and then nothing more. But this book ended just the right way, everything wrapped up, but not set, not storybook perfect, but enough.