A review by teaandlibri
The Door-to-Door Bookstore by Carsten Henn


I borrowed this as I saw it was available through my library and loved the idea. An elderly bookseller goes door to door with a job of delivering book recommendations. He loses his job but builds a relationship with a nine year old girl. Predictably, the girl becomes a bit of a sidekick to him and Schascha reminds Carl of the power of books and friendship when Carl's world is turned upside down.

I loved the idea but the book's execution was rather dull. I'm not sure if it was because this is a book in translation or because it's a fairly predictable story, but overall I just did not care. I really loved the idea but neither main character or supporting ones were interesting and the writing did not make for a compelling read.

This is probably a book that would adapt very well to a streaming or movie adaptation, though. Cast an unknown/young child, a grumpy-type older actor (Tommy Lee Jones-type?) with a host of character actors whose faces you know but names you can't remember and you likely have a charming indie-type hit that would make for a feel-good movie.

As several people said, this seems like a quick-read type of book. If you love books about books, intergenerational friendship, quirky characters, this might be a good book for you. I personally found this skippable but it might make for a really good vacation/beach type read.

Borrowed from the library and that was best for me.