A review by notevenastar
Tokyo Tarareba Girls, Vol. 7 by Akiko Higashimura


Whew. I’ve got a lot to say so buckle in. (Or don’t. I’m perfectly content with the fact that all the reviews I write are just me talking to myself. I mean that genuinely! I’m an extroverted person who’s spent the majority of her life by herself, against her will. I really adore quiet spaces where I can work out my feeling and opinions. It’s hard to get lonely when you have yourself as a conversation partner.)

Anyways! Something you should know about me is that I really enjoy spoilers. They very rarely impede my enjoyment and I really don’t see the point of every single piece of media relying on contrived suspense and shock value. That being said, as good as this volume of TTG was, knowing who Rinko ends up with made it less enjoyable. I loved seeing her settle into herself and I genuinely enjoyed seeing her find a comfortable, budding relationship with Hayasaka. I think it would be circular for her to end up with him.

But again. Knowing that
is her endgame is so frustrating. He’s done nothing but degrade her, take advantage of her, and treat her and her friends like garbage since volume one. I wouldn’t have minded his backstory without the knowledge that the two of them link up at the end. Knowing that his backstory was meant to make him sympathetic makes it seem flat, whereas an honest look into why he is the way he is (with no emotional stakes other than simple explanation) would have been preferable. It just feels cheap, otherwise.

And on the subject of his backstory. Yeah, the
Spoilerdead wife thing
sucks. And I get that they made it as chaste as possible, but you can’t escape the grooming thing. Like dude.
Spoiler You were 18 years old married to a 30 year old doctor who’d been treating you since you were 10 years old? You are not a brooding, romantic hero. You are a victim. And this might sound callous, but it definitely was too little, too late. Because while I do feel sympathetic for him from an objective, moral standpoint, the story isn’t treating him as a victim of grooming. TTG is still trying to convince us that Key is a man who has a tragic excuse for being misogynistic and cruel to a woman ten years older than him. So, no, I don’t think so. And like I said! I might have been able to accept this narrative crime if it wasn’t for the fact that Key is Rinko’s endgame. If I was going in blind, this might have been a four star review. But not only am I dissatisfied with the fact that Rinko is going to throw out all her progress with Hayasaka, I’m still sore over the fact that Key isn’t ever going to really apologize for all the awful shit he’s done and said.

Ugh. I have so many opinions. Anyways, two more volumes to go! Wish me luck.