A review by booksarethenewblack
A Love Catastrophe by Helena Hunting


I went into this one with high hopes! I also buddy-read it with Julie, which I’m glad I did. I was really excited about the premise, but I didn’t connect with this one. It was just an okay read and it didn’t really blow me away.

I think my biggest issue was that I was expecting a light romance with a lot of cute and furry puns. What I ended up getting was a lot of heavier topics about dementia and family deaths. There’s nothing wrong with these heavier topics but I was hit with it and then the book got really heavy. I felt like the book was trying to do two different things and didn’t really connect them. The lighter and funnier things went away when we got to the heavy things. There were a couple of other moments in the book that felt forced and not needed. The pacing was another thing that I didn’t enjoy. It took about 20% of the book to get past their first “meet” and get going. The last part of the book was just rushed so quickly that I had trouble connecting.

The romance had a lot of cute and sweet moments. I just didn’t feel the chemistry, which could also have to do with the pacing. I did really like to watch Miles grow in their relationship but I had a hard time getting there. He has many issues and many of their miscues were kind of rude. He seemed way too hard on his mother but I think he ends up getting to a better place. By the end, I still had a hard time really feeling the relationship between him and Kitty.

Overall, this was just an okay read for me. I might not have been the right audience. I could also not be in the right mindset, since I was expecting something much lighter and fun. It just didn’t hit the mark and the romance fell flat for me. There are some fun supporting characters and some sweet moments. There just wasn’t enough substance to have me fall in love with this one!

Thank you to Forever and Netgalley for an e-arc. All thoughts and opinions are my own.