A review by vosteguin09
Between Everything and Us by Rebecca Paula


When one of your best friends recs a book to you and then buys it for you because they want you to read it that badly then it's kind of your duty to read it. ("Duty"... Nacho Libre anyone?)

I'll come out and be honest, I went into this book not expecting much. I thought it would be good, like I think every book will be, but it honestly knocked me off my feet. I admit throughout the book it was a little hard for me to get used to the writing, but I'm going to blame that on the fact that I stayed up to three in the morning reading this book. Paula has a way of describing feelings and scenes and people and it's confusing but also refreshing.

In the beginning, I felt pity for Beau and thought that would be all that I would feel for him. As his relationship with Mati and in a sense himself too, I grew to love him and at an exponentially quick rate. One scene I'm like pobrecito and the next I'm falling over myself wanting Beau. His character is like no other I've ever read and I can only hope other characters/writers learn from a character like Beau.

Mati.. oh Mat. What can I saw other than that she is such a beautiful soul. I was reading a scene where Beau is confessing to Mati and I was dreading that moment so much before because I honestly didn't know what to expect but what I got was something that blew my mind and my heart. I loved her so much in that moment that I started crying, seriously. That scene will probably be my favorite scene of all time.

Between Everything and Us was a book I wasn't expecting on loving and yet I love it with my very soul. It kept life real and that's all I can hope for in a book. Becka, thanks for writing such a beautiful story.