A review by michellesantiago
Guardian of the Gate by Michelle Zink


Guardian of the Gate is the second book in Michelle Zink's gothic young adult series. I reviewed Prophecy of the Sisters (the first book; see my review here) yesterday, which ended with Lia leaving New York for England. This book began eight months after Prophecy ended and Lia is hard at work honing her newfound powers, continuing to learn more about prophecy and searching for the other two keys--all of which will help her win against her twin sister, Alice, in their inevitable battle that will pit good sister against the evil sister. However, Guardian is mostly about Lia's journey to a mythical island to look for the missing pages that contain the other half of the prophecy.

The dark, gothic feel I loved from the first book is very much present in this book. It's also still slow and not much really happen to move the plot along but unlike the first book, there is more action in this book which I really liked. We are also introduced to a new love interest for Lia in Dimitri. I didn't really like James from the first book so Dimitri, who Lia forms an instant connection with, is a welcome addition. My other complaint from the first book was that the secondary characters there were a little flat, but in Guardian they are more fleshed out. Alice, the "evil" twin, is hardly in this book and I definitely want to see more of her but suffice to say Guardian surpassed Prophecy and I enjoyed reading this book a lot more. I am definitely looking forward to reading the conclusion of this trilogy!

4 out of 5 stars