A review by skippen
3001: The Final Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke


The end of a series I probably started 40 years ago. 2001 was confusing at first, then I watched in parallel with the film. That helped. The book is still better but the move provides great visuals. 2010 is great sequel and even better film. 2061, I read, and frankly, maybe because there was no film, I cannot recall anything other than I know I read it.

3001 one is a a compelling read. I enjoyed it, but, frankly, there is really not much of a story here. It really more feels like Arthur writing a small treatise on what would the future look like in 3001. The ultimate conclusion to the mystery of the monoliths, to me, was disappointing, and what humanity did in the end with them, disappointing. Perhaps, that's what Clarke wanted. I don't know, but when they were just a mystery (and they still are don't get me wrong), and glimpses into what they are revealed in this book, they were more interesting, compelling, because what he revealed was predictable.

Overall, I suspect maybe better than 2061 but then again I cannot recall that title at all.