A review by kiwi_of_serenity
Alliances by Timothy Zahn


Whoa, did he do it again.
After the first Thrawn book, I really just wanted more of Thrawn, but wasn't sure where he could go without really sinking itto his role as a Star Wars Rebels villain and staying there. Timothy Zahn cleverly placed him in alien territory by having him work with Vader, a decision that isn't just the coolest villain teamup in the galaxy. Vader is fundamentally opposed to Thrawn as an emotional and domineering character, so he illuminates the atypical villain Thrawn is in ways that Eli Canto could not in the first Thrawn book.
If you are not a Thrawn fan, you probably need to be a Clone Wars or Vader fan to get a lot out of this book. Both figure prominently, and I really like how Zahn uses the Force creatively and in combination with Thrawns deductive abilities. (Seriously, Thrawn is so chill with it, it's great). Palme also plays a much larger role than I expected, and as someone who doesn't watch the prequels, it was almost as exciting getting to know her as a solo operative as it was getting to know Clone-Wars era Thrawn.
My complaints are only that this book is a bit technical for me, but honestly Zahn uses the tactical and mechanical jargon in such a way that keeps it from obstructing the plot and development most of the time. The only other disappointment is that there were not as many feels in this book but honestly- it's Thrawn, what do you expect?
Bottom line, if you liked the first book you won't be disappointed.