A review by lmrivas54
Alexei by Brenda Rothert


As I’ve been reading this series, I’ve often wondered if there would be a book about Alexei. He’s mentioned a lot, as he’s Anton’s twin, and he’s been portrayed as a very talented hockey player, but with drinking problems. He’s often embroiled in some fight, always related to his drinking, so I was glad to finally read his story.

I loved that the problems in his relation with Anton are presented, so we get into it deeply. Anton is hard-working and methodical, we saw that in his book. He didn’t get the natural ability for hockey like his twin Alexei did, so he made up for it in hard work. I had read that he resented Alexei for having the natural ability but wasting it by drinking and partying too much. Now in this book, we read the other side of the coin!

In this book, Alexei partied too much and ended up in the hospital. He was also released from his hockey team. The owner of Anton’s hockey team, the Chicago Blaze, makes him an offer he can’t refuse; if he fixes his drinking problem, he can join his team. With no other choice but to get into rehab, he goes unwillingly. He just doesn’t believe he has a drinking problem, it’s just that he likes to party, right?

In therapy, he makes new discoveries, finds a lot of hidden truths in his soul, he finds friends, and he finds love. It’s a beautiful love story and I loved his girl.

Dr. Graysen Wells is the daughter of addicts. Her experience is what took her in the route of counseling addicts to help them overcome their habits. She’s very guarded with her heart and has a conflict falling in love with a patient.

The author’s treatment of Alexei’s addiction and Graysen’s heart is delicate and beautiful. Alexei’s negation of his problem feels real, and Graysen’s kind and giving heart feels just like what Alexei needed. This couple was made for each other and there was a lot of caring and consideration between both. As always, I love this author’s stories because there’s a little bit of angst with a lot of love and sweetness. In this case, there’s a little darkness because of the subject theme and it added spice to a lovely story.