A review by spookishmommy
Terror is Our Business: Dana Roberts' Casebook of Horrors, by Kasey Lansdale, Joe R. Lansdale


Thank you, Smith Publicity for providing all the #nightworms free copies of Terror is Our Business to read and review!

TIOB was my first Joe Lansdale reading experience. In the beginning, Joe recommends reading one story a day or one per week which I think is a fantastic way to go about this. I read about one story a day and it helped to break up the stories and not feel they were overlapping.

I enjoyed most of the stories, they were spooky. And while I understand that the style is purposely "stiff" I couldn't help but be a bit bored by it. Also, there was a lot of repeating of certain words and descriptions that get kind of annoying.

I thought the stories picked up and got a lot more fun once Jana (Kaseys character) arrive. If you like detective type stories that deal with the SUPERNORMAL (and you dont mind being reminded what supernormal is every story,hehe) then I recommend this to you!