A review by rainelle_barrett
The Marquess of Mischief by Anna St. Claire


The Marquess of Mischief, by Anna St, Claire. What a absolute kind hearted, romantic book to read. The leading characters, Christopher and Diana took me and my very vivid imagination on a wild ride, threw parks, stables or mews as they called them in that time period. I was treated with romantic picnic stories as Rose the dedicated chaperone to Lady Diana sir comes to the graciously packed wine and is Inebriated as she snoozes against the tree. I couldn’t help but giggle a little at the many times Rose has fallen asleep on the job!
Back to the sweetest couple in the book. Lady Diana and Lord Christopher explored many feelings and adventures in this light hearted book. Christopher’s character was wonderful. He played the protective love interest on the hunt for the man who dares cause harm to the people around him. I found him authoritative, level headed, caring and a true romantic. Diana is a young lady that seems to not let anything or anyone get her down.
She accepts that special something that is growing between her and Christopher. At the same time, she learns to do things for herself. I truly appreciate that the writer gave this story more dialogue between characters rather than narrative, discussing what the characters are doing or thinking. For some reason the dialogue among the characters helped me visualize the story and get swept away in the fun and entertainment of the book. I thought the writer explained a number of things in vivid detail for the readers, so that they could see what the characters see. I thought all the characters were good natured, charming and witty in the parts that they were supposed to. The adventure and mystery and excitement of the background story definitely helped the book move along. I enjoyed the plot of the story. The romance was soft, but I stillloved it. I give this book two snaps and a, Guntor!
Hide the wine bottle from Rose, her snoring is becoming a bit much on our outings. Until next time my fellow readers… read on!