A review by lauraadriana78
But My Boyfriend Is by K.A. Mitchell


3.75 Stars

I liked this book, didn't LOVE it. But I did LIKE it. First of all KA Mitchell can write up some quality hotness that I know, and I was not disappointed there. I thought she did a GREAT job of writing the character of Dylan as well. Dylan is a young black man that is DEEPLY in denial about his homosexuality. He has sexual encounters with men, but he is NOT gay.

So, after his twin brother is victim of a gay bashing at a park where Dylan frequently goes looking for hook ups...His worlds collide, and the guilt from thinking that his brother's attack might have been partly his fault is a very hard pill to swallow. He already is the "fuck-up" of the two...While Darryl is the honor student, Dylan is the line cook at a restaurant who has no more aspirations than to follow Darryl wherever he goes.

To add to the mix, the guy that helped Darryl during the attack...A white guy named Mike (a very HOT white guy) is well...VERY interested in Dylan...Dylan is interested back. In just fucking of course, since HE IS NOT GAY!!!.

Mike who is a trainer for the UT Austin football team (and also totally cool with keeping things on the d/l since he wants to keep his job) and not looking for a relationship, goes along with Dylan's fuckery of not even acknowledging he could be gay, the sex is good, the kid is hot, and well he really can't help himself.

Dylan has a LOT of shit going on, his family treats him like a fuck up, he's losing his brother, the guilt is killing him and on top of that he's pretty much on this side of "totally smitten'...With a dude.

Things are complicated, but Mike starts getting under Dylan's skin...Little by little with a LOT of fucking to lubricate his self-loathing issues, until he can admit that "yes he likes cock", especially Mike's.

This story for the most part worked for me, there was a lot of sex, that is true, but #1 It's KA Mitched so I expected that and #2 these guys were fucking and nothing else to begin with, and they are dudes so, it is reasonable that the sex will be coming (pun intended) in large quantities.

Dylan was immature, and SO STUBBORN, but I thought his character was really well. African American men, especially those with Dylan's background would not deal well with being gay, even if his family is accepting, the streets are not. So, I liked how he was portrayed.

Mike I understood a bit less, but I liked him well enough.

All in all, I wish this book would have been a few chapters longer, I was right there with them until the deus ex machina, and then the progression was WAY too fast for me.

I liked it. The erotica was HOT.

Hope Tate's book is next.

Re-Read July 24, 2013 I have to up this to 4 Stars
The second time around this book was WAY better than the first for me...I've come to realize with KA Mitchell I'm so juiced for the smut when she comes out with a book that I have a hard time actually focusing...Granted sometimes the story is just not there (Bad Attitude) so the sexy is really the star, and sometimes the perfection is so overwhelmingly awesome (Bad Boyfriend) that everything is good. But this book was pretty damn good with the story and with the smut equally specially the interacial thing...I didn't give thsi enough praise in my initial review. I really liked this book, I'd recommend a re-read!