A review by graff_fuller
Kobayashi Maru by Michael A. Martin, Andy Mangels


I really loved this book. Unfortunately, it was the last book on my list. I kept reading other books, but would pick this up and put it down with a few pages to a chapter read.

I enjoyed the story, the complicated beginning of the Romulan War buildup. Tellecapture System and poor Commander Tucker behind enemy lines as a Romulan engineer...trying to stop the Romulans from getting the first Warp Seven capable Star Drive.

Nothing seems to go right for the New Coalition of planets. Secrets, lies and mistakes.

Vulcans apparently know how to lie VERY well. T'Pol and Reed try to rescue Tucker, but he refuses to give up is failing mission.

Also, distrust on the bridge of the Enterprise.

And now, they have just declaired War.