A review by burialshroud
Aaron Lets Go by Katherine Applegate


Book 14 finished means I’m halfway through my grand re-read of the magnificent Making Out series. And look we’ve got MY FAVOURITE GUY Aaron on the cover:

These are my copies of the books. They’re probably the dirtiest items in my whole house. You can see how book 13’s had its top sliced off, and Book 10 looks like I’ve been chewing on it which I’m almost certain I haven’t been.

I like this book because it’s the one where Benjamin and Lara start to cement their friendship, which I like because it’s based on art and siblinghood and it helps Benjamin with his whole deal.

Nina and Benjamin are still broken up and there are some surprisingly funny comic relief scenes where Nina is trying to make Benjamin jealous by flirting with Jake, who could not be more baffled or less interested. At one point Claire goes over to Benjamin’s to try and smooth things over between him and Nina. Claire KISSES Benjamin, because why wouldn’t she? And of course Zoey is lurking nearby and sees everything. I wonder if that’ll come back to bite Claire in the ass? Surely not. Claire is the Puppet Master of Chatham Island, her friends and family merely her playthings! Mwooo-ha-ha-ha!

Speaking of Claire, she’s trying her best to get over Aaron by conspiring with him to split up their blissfully happy parents. I’m not sure what her plan is at the moment, but it involves a lot of phone conversations like this:

AARON: Claire you’re so beautiful.
CLAIRE: I know that but this is business Aaron. We’re the best manipulators in this whole damn place, we need to combine our powers and break up our parents.
AARON: I can’t manipulate when all I can think about is your lustrous hair.

Aisha and her Westeros Scholarship rival have a make-out session in the library late one night while the other patrons look on and applaud (yeah it was pretty weird). Meanwhile Christopher has sent a letter from Army, talking about how he still loves Aisha. D’oh! What’s Aisha to do? I hope she doesn’t go wild again like in book 8, Aisha Goes Wild. Mostly because having another concussion won’t help her win any scholarships.

There’s nothing much going on with Zoey and Lucas at the moment. The book culminates in an extremely ill-judged surprise birthday party for Benjamin’s 20th, organised by Zoey who does not invite Lara which I find unbelievably petty. Aaron shows up uninvited and Lucas throws a punch at him that ends up knocking out Kate. Jake takes Kate outside to wake her up (Lara is lurking nearby, which is a thing people do in these books) and stanches the flow of blood from her nose with a strip he’s ripped off the bottom of his shirt. This is important for later books.

Fave moments:
-Claire is driving home from the ill-fated Valentine’s party from the end of book 13, and picks up a hitchhiker who turns out to be Kate. Kate is carrying a can of Binaca like Elaine has in Seinfeld!
-Nina tries to figure out what to say to comfort Claire after the Aaron and Kate debacle:

“”Claire, I’m sorry that your boyfriend turned out to be as big a jerk as you are, “ she said aloud. No, that wasn’t the approach she was going for.”