A review by zinokato
Hunger, by Michael Grant


Where do I start with this book?
Hunger took off with a bang, Michael Grant wasted no time in getting straight into the action. This sequel is set about 3 months after Gone ended and the kids are scared, hungry and divided between the "normals" and "freaks"
A lot of the characters changed and found themselves in places they didn't think they'd be at. Sam especially who feels like the world is on his shoulders since he has a truck load of issues to deal with in the FAYZ.
It's scary to read this book and try to imagine kids in very adult situations. For example, some are alcoholics, smoke pot, threaten to kill kids in cold blood, I just shudder thinking that these kids are as young as 12. Maybe that's what makes this book so intriguing, Michael Grant took all my "what about" questions and answered them in full detail. This books was all about hunger and "what about when food starts to run out?" here the kids get desperate, terrified and some of the normal kids start to turn on those with powers.
This book has quite a lot of characters but I didn't find it hard to keep up, although I found it frustrating when something big was about to someone and we switch to another character and just when I was getting engrossed in that characters story, we switch to someone else. But I still loved this book and just had to keep reading.
As well as having our regulars such as Sam, Astrid, Edilio (my fave), Lana ect we're also introduced to new people who were struggling just as much as everyone else, some of which take bad to a whole new level. I now have a new found love for Dekka who gets a bigger role and Duck, a newbie.

5 starts because this book was jammed packed full of action. It made me cringe, laugh, gasp, shudder, protest, cry (almost) and want more!