A review by misslezlee
The Starless Sea, by Erin Morgenstern


The last week on planet Earth has been very surreal. What better way to spend forced time at home practicing social distancing than to immerse myself in the surreal world of the Starless Sea? Time here on planet Earth has begun to do the weird thing it does when daily routines are disturbed, nay shattered. This novel plays with time in a new way. There are elements of so many genres: fairy tales, love stories, choose your own adventures, mysteries, myths, legends and on and on. Lots of contemporary references keep it firmly in the present day, but it also occupies time and space in other realms, eras, and centuries.

At first, I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy reading it, especially since I discovered I had less than a week to read it in - why doesn’t Overdrive notify you when your holds become available? Good job I had time on my hands to do some serious reading. It still took a long Sunday morning session, racing against the clock, to ensure I wasn’t left hanging. Digital loans disappear the very second they are due. See, this whole week has been surreal. I keep noticing bees and references to bees, discovering bees hidden away, even a video of a friend capturing his bees who had swarmed into a tree in his back yard! Surreal.

My very favorite place in the whole book was the inn. I’ll not say more, I don’t want to spoil the read for you.