A review by cnapple
Hidden Warrior by Lynn Flewelling


So I just got done writing my review of book one and how I found the premise interesting, but it never *grabbed me*. Now here I am one day later reviewing book two. Consider me grabbed.

A lot of my quibbles with "Bone Doll" were cleared up in this second, much more polished novel. Overall the pacing was much better than in the first book. There were still a few odd character jumps which I felt tripped up the narrative a bit, particularly in the climax sequence, but overall the progression of the plot arc felt smooth and logical. The progression of the character arcs was similarly improved.

In "Bone Doll" Tobin's identity crisis is disappointingly abbreviated, and I was left wanting *more* of their reactions and inner thoughts. Without getting too spoilery, I'll simply say that the main character gets a huge information bomb regarding their identity dropped on them about 3/4 through the book, and while I was expecting some major emotional ramifications it's left largely unexplored. In "Warrior" we get a much more personal look at how our lead is feeling about the situation and how it affects their view of themself and their relationships with those closest to them. I was slightly disappointed by what seems to be a rather cliche romantic subplot, but I suppose it may prove to provide a decidedly un-cliche examination into gender identity and sexuality. Tobin's character overall is much more well developed in this installment and I finally found myself really relating to them. Some of the secondary companions - Tharin, Lhel, even "brother" - also get a chance to shine and I'm really starting to like some of them.

The only character I really unenthused about is the primary villain who seems rather comically, over-the-top evil to me. It's like Lewelling pondered over what villainous deeds to lay at his door, rape, kidnapping, child-murder, religious genocide, dark magic, and was like F-it! let's include all of them so that the readers will know that this is one bad dude. I tend to like my villains a little more complicated than that, but there are enough layers to the other characters that I can forgive one case of black and white morality.

All in all I did really enjoy this book. The plot was tightly woven and full of tension, the characters were well fleshed out and complex, and most of all it's just really nice to read some epic fantasy that is brimming with well-written, interesting, courageous, and flawed female characters. I'm eager to see where the conclusion will leave us as there's still a lot of mystery to be resolved.