A review by pers
Alien Artifacts, by James Van Pelt, Andrija Popovic, Coral Moore, Julie Nováková, Jacey Bedford, S.C. Butler, Larry N. Martin, Sofie Bird, Juliet E. McKenna, Dave Farland, Patricia Bray, Gail Z. Martin, Seanan McGuire, Daniel J. Davis, Jennifer Dunne, Jeanne Cook, C.S. Friedman, Joshua Palmatier, Sharon Lee, Steve Miller, Angela Penrose, Walter H. Hunt, Anthony Lowe


This was an excellent anthology (funded by the Zombies Need Brains kickstarter team). Out of 19 stories, only 2 didn't really work for me - one is the epilogue to an already published novel (which I find irritating because I've never read the novel nor even any other books by the author - it feels both cheeky and lazy, somehow), and the other didn't have enough exposition to satisfy me, making me feel like I'd walked into the second act of a stage play - I'm sure I'd have enjoyed it more had there been a bit more background to it.

Particular favourites in the collection are Juliet E McKenna's 'The Sphere', Gail Z Martin & Larry N Martin's 'The Hunt', Andrija Popovic's 'The Captain's Throne', Anthony Lowe's 'The Haint of Sweetwater River', Sharon Lee & Steve Miller's 'Shame the Devil', and Jennifer Dunne's 'Music of the Stars'.