A review by ferrisscottr
A Killer Edition by Lorna Barrett


Ms. Barrett does it again. Aside from the legendary Poirot this is my favorite mystery series and I read them as a palate cleanser when I want to just immerse myself in a great story with great characters who just happen to be tied up in yet another murder.

We have the usual cast of characters back again - Tricia, Angela, Pixie, Mr. Everett and the rest of the crew from Booktown USA.

There's a murder which (surprise) Tricia discovers, there's some drama with the local animal shelter, the amateur baking contest and her very own mystery bookstore.

The mystery part of the book is more pronounced than usual and that's a good thing (surprisingly the mystery is usually the least interesting part of Ms. Barrett's books) but we've still got a great town filled with amazing characters that I truly care for and have been reading for about a decade now.

It doesn't hurt that she's a local author either (gotta support the local people ya know).

Really good - if you haven't read this series I would recommend to start at the beginning and read them all.