A review by gelynespinosa
How to Ruin My Teenage Life by Simone Elkeles



I like this way better than the first book!

In this sequel to How to Ruin a Summer Vacation, EVERYTHING in sixteen-year-old Amy Nelson Barak's life is going wrong! Her mom got married and moved to the suburbs, and now they are going to have a baby. Amy moves in with her dad in Chicago and signs him up for an online dating service. His first four dates are that night . . .
What else? Her dog Mutt impregnated her grumpy neighbor's prized poodle, so Amy will actually have to get a part-time job to pay for half the veterinary bill. And there's this totally annoying boy, Nathan Rubin, who just moved into her apartment building. Luckily, Amy has a cute boyfriend named Avi. Only he's more like a non-boyfriend considering Avi is in the Israeli army for the next three years.

What's a girl to do when everyone is conspiring to ruin her life?

This book made me laugh like I'm reading some joke book, seriously. I actually read most of the part with a close friend and though she wasn't able to start the story, since i'm somewhere in chapter 10 when she joined me reading, still she told me that she love it!. Oh well, can't blame her, I can't stop reading it myself though my final examination in my major is the next day.

SpoilerOkay, so everything in Amy's life is natural, it happens, like what she told Avi, "..Shit happens, Life happens.." haha, but she's taking it unnaturally, if you know what I mean. Like, she consider her over sized boobs a major problem in her life. xD But I love her attitude, she's quite immature but that's how she became a unique, crazy teen girl. I can't imagine myself applying my dad in an online dating service if I were on her situation, and that's because I'm afraid my dad will get mad, but she.. oh my! And wait.. I can prove that she's pretty crazy because she kissed Nathan in the elevator! Darn it! That was totally insane, but totally entertaining as well. I love Nathan's character, as much as I love Avi's. Infact, I won't even curse Simone Elkeles if she choose Nathan for Amy, I mean it! I love Avi but Nathan was too cool and he's gorgeous! haha!

I might as well add that MUTT was cool! Haha. The dog was really a trouble maker but because of the dog, the story during the first part without Avi, is worth reading. Haha. Of course, Nathan's affair with Amy made the story exciting too! I so love it when Avi saw Amy and Nathan together, with Nathan's hand on Amy's shoulder. That's it! That's his karma because she thought of breaking up with Amy.

The Operation Kidnap Avi was an awesome part of the story. They're crazy, they're all crazy including Amy's circle of friends! How can they let Amy do a stupid thing like that? Speaking of Amy's friends, I feel so sorry for Jessica. In the first book, she has this lover that broke up with her after sleeping with her, and now, Mitch, who broke up with her because he wants to dance a freshman. In the latter part of the book, she was falling for Tarik but the guy is not Jewish, poor girl. If Amy's love life is going best, her's was going worst. Anyway, I really hope Amy's father find the right woman for him. I can feel how Amy feel towards her parents- her father specifically.

Since I read this series, I started to see everything that happen in my life, every single detail if I can, and I found out that so far, my life is not running smoothly! Okay, I know that it's not running conviniently but I never thought that it was very intricate. Gaah. It consist of a lot of small mistakes and little imperfections with few embarrassment every day. And I'm loving it so far cause those imperfections made me realize that life is worth living! :)) That everyday is another day worth looking for. ;)

Anyway, I really adore Simone's writing in this novel. Really, really love this book from this series. It's really worth my time. The last part was great, really great and Avi is very lovable! I do love him now. I'm excited for everything!!!!!

It was awesome! :))