A review by mehsi
Effin' Birds by Aaron Reynolds


A hilarious, silly, we need this on a shirt book about birds and cursing.

I have had my eyes on this book for a while! Birds! Funny descriptions based on things in real life! Funny quotes! And I have not been disappointed by this book.

In fact I just read it in one go. Because it was that funny and I just kept on laughing. The quotes are fantastic, relatable, and often could be used for real life situations. Or Twitter. Like this one: “Is this the new bullshit or just the same old bullshit?” or this one: “Me saying I like something is not an invitation to a fucking debate.” Which is totally fully accurate as that is how I feel at times on Twitter. Heaven forbid you like something. I also loved this quote: “That’s not how reality works, dumbshit.” Well, OK, I liked almost all the quotes. There were a few that had me like, OK, that was a bit uninspiring.

I also loved that the book was just FULL of birds. And felt like the old-timey illustrations of them, you know the ones. And that we didn’t just have birds clamouring Fuck it to everything, but we also got some relatable birds that one may find in the real world. Like the Red-Winged Dehort who doesn’t offer encouraging words, but instead focusses on the worst-case scenario. Or the Hipster Pelican, who as you may get from the name, is a hipster. Vegan, loves LPs, that kind of stuff. I found several birds that had me nodding as I knew people like that. XD

I enjoyed that there were also some colour illustrations next to the black/white ones.

Oh, and of course, my hubby enjoyed this one greatly and said to me that it was good that he didn’t have an ebook of this book/the scans of this book, because he wasn’t sure if he could resist himself using them on his work. Haha. There were a few that were just so apt for current situations. I already suggested making shirts, so he could wear them during zoom meetings when he was just done with it all, to which he pondered and then laughed. So it is a plus from my hubby!

All in all, do you like birds? Yes? Do you like fucking funny quotes applicable for daily life? Yes? Do you like finding your colleagues and friends and relatives in birds? Yes? Then heck, get this book!

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/