A review by eitan
Golden Son by Pierce Brown


Reseña en español.


Han pasado varios años desde que lo leí, y esta relectura sigue flipandome igual que la anterior. Al margen de disfrutar el leerlo en inglés, he pillado detalles que en su momento pasé por alto y que han continuado cautivandome. Pierce Brown es uno de esos escritores que sabe cómo mantenerte entretenido con tu lectura porque, de una forma u otra, siempre sucederá algo que cambiará el ritmo por completo.

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Review in english.

SpoilerIt has been several years since I read it, and this rereading continues to impress me as the previous one. Apart from enjoying reading it in English, I have caught details that I missed at the time and that have continued to captivate me. Pierce Brown is one of those writers who knows how to keep you entertained with your reading because something will always happen that will change the pace entirely in one way or another.