A review by essentiallynovel
It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered by Lysa TerKeurst


This book is so good! First off, I liked that Lysa was writing this while she was experiencing such unknown and heartache (not that I liked that she endured any of what she faced) but it made it more real, more like a conversation. She shares her struggles, confusion, frustration, fear, and doubt that we can all sympathize with when we deal with things that we believe shouldn’t be happening, to us let alone at all. As the book progresses, each chapter takes a specific focus and Lysa just fills the pages with powerful truth - God’s Word and His revelations to her. I loved the vulnerability and authenticity, which mirrors her book Uninvited. As someone who has been experiencing plenty of my own “this shouldn’t be happening” circumstances over the past several years, this book brought me much comfort. It confirms the reality that I am not alone in the trials of life and spoke truth back into my weary soul that although I’ve spoken it to myself, sometimes there’s great power in hearing (or reading) it from someone else. Thank you Lysa for this amazing and much needed book!