A review by lilyn_g
Where Death Is a Hunter by Christopher Stookey


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What did I think of it? First, I have one minor criticism I'm going to get out of the way... The synopsis is mis-leading on one point. Hannah isn't engaged to be married when the book starts. Or even by the middle of it. The engagement was broken off before the book starts...and that, folks, is literally the only criticism I have of Where Death is a Hunter.

This was a fast-paced book, and it read as such. Coming it at 372 pages, I had read the first 157 pages of it in under an hour. It's one of those that, while intelligently written, reads so easily that you're not really aware of how much you've read until you have to take a break from it. That's the mark of a very good book.

The author doesn't bury you with irrelevant details. He focuses on what's important. He forms a main character that you quickly begin to sympathize with and root for, and a supporting cast that - while maybe not fully fleshed out - are developed enough that each are recognizable, none are cardboard cut-outs, and all are believable. The ending ties things up satisfactorily, bringing a good close to what had been pretty much a non-stop ride from the first pages.

Overall, Where Death is a Hunter is a fantastic book that I would highly recommend for anyone that loves medical thrillers. Christopher Stookey is better than Robyn Cook in this particular bookworm's opinion. I'm hoping the author has me review more of his books in the future!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.