A review by lambsbooks
Sweet Collide by Ava Harrison


Waking her up in the middle of the night to fuck the insomnia out of me is more than crossing a line.


I’d gladly fall on my sword to heal him. To save him.

4.5 stars

I went into this thinking it was going to be a cute little hockey romance and BAM emotional distress ensues and I spend the entire book on the edge of my seat trying to hold on for dear life.

In a good way. lmao

“I’ll never forget you.” I stick my pinky out. “Pinky promise on your puck.”
He links our fingers together with a smirk. “I promise.”

Cassidy - you broken, broken woman. I could feel her emotions, her past trauma, her pain, and I wanted to cry with her. I like the coping mechanisms she used (it’s a common practice for real-life panic attacks) and that they were included here. She was so attentive to Aiden, attentive to the point where she constantly put herself last, and that hurt my little heart.

Something about Cassidy feels safe. She takes care of me in ways I never knew I needed. I can trust her. There’s only one problem, I can’t stop thinking about touching her. Kissing her. Fucking her.

Aiden - oh man, what a MMC. I’ve never read one like him before and it was re-fresh-ing. Aiden suffers from anxiety and compulsions (I’m sure there is another diagnosis for it, but I’m not familiar with anxiety-induced compulsions or just compulsion in general so I won’t make assumptions). His need for control in his life after the shit he went through as a kid was heartbreaking and I LOVED that it was included in this book as a main plot point, instead of pushed to the side or immediately cured or something.

“Turn around and get on your hands and knees. Ass up.”

There was spicy spice, what else would you expect from a man who needs control and plays hockey

“Umm. Hi to you, too.” She giggles, allowing me to drag her off.
“No time for hello,” I say as I find the door to the storage closet and fling it open. The moment we’re inside, I slam the door shut, and we are bathed in darkness.
“Take your pants off,” I command. I can barely see her, but I can hear her intake of breath.
“You heard me. Pants. Off. Now. I need to fuck you in my jersey.”

*smirky smirk*

This woman is strong. Courageous. Dangerous. She’s the kind of girl worth falling for.

If you like:
✌🏼Second Chance Romance
🫣 Hidden Identity
🏒 NHL player with a dirty mouth
🩷 Childhood friends to Lovers
🫶🏼Pinky Promises
🏡 Found Family
💸 Rags to Riches
💊 Mental Health Representation
😭 She takes care of and protects him
❤️‍🔥 Fake dating
🌶️ Crawl to me

This girl is good for me. Too good. I can get used to this.

Thank you to the author and Hambright PR for sending me this finished copy in exchange for an honest review!! Will we get a Dane or Hudson book?? *pleads*

Aiden has always hated crowds. He told me back at the trailer that he tried to work on controlling his anxiety, but he hated it. It looks like he’s doing better than the last time I saw him, but at what cost to him? How will he suffer later?

^ that quote - yes, wow, yes. This applies to mental and physical health so much. We can show nothing in public but at a cost, a cost that we'll pay for later.