A review by saguaros
The New Voices of Fantasy by Eugene Fisher, Brooke Bolander


I'd already read two of the stories included here, but all the other ones were new to me (even thought they'd been published elsewhere before) and several of the authors were as well.
I wish all these "new" authors had been even more unknown--several have been writing and published for years, but nevertheless I didn't dislike any of the stories in this collection.
My favourites were:

Selkie Stories Are For Losers, Sofia Samatar
Tonado's Siren, Brooke Bolander
Left the Century to Sit Unmoved, Sarah Pinsker (<333)
The Haunting of Apollo A7LB, Hannu Rajaniemi
Here Be Dragons, Chris Tarry
The Husband Stitch, Carmen Maria Machado

(and of course, The Jackalope Wives by Ursula Vernon, but I had read that one before)