A review by dlberglund
The Magicians by Lev Grossman


It's like an overdone, underedited Harry Potter/Narnia fanfic with Catcher in the Rye undertones. While I was amused by a character's comment that he was going to go get his Quidditch robes, it just drew too heavily on what has already been done (well), with extra sex and drinking thrown in.
I thought Q had promise in the beginning, but he only grew more annoying and self centered, rather than actually growing. This book felt like it was too big in scope, and whole years were skimmed over while trying to rush us toward the final section. Holes were left wide open, and I don't even care if they are answered in the other books of the trilogy. I found parts repetitive (I swear I read those sentences already!) and also found actual typos. I may have typos in this review, but this is only draft one, I have no editorial staff, and I'm not being paid for it. Did I mention it was like Narnia/HP fanfic? I did? Oh well.