A review by heabooknerd
Theirs Ever After by Katee Robert


After moving to Thalania with her two lovers, the newly crowned King, Theo Fitzcharles, and his bodyguard, Galen Mikos, Meg is discovering that being a royal Consort is more challenging and draining than she ever expected. I loved that THEIRS EVER AFTER explored what happens after the i-love-yous and how being in a relationship takes work, especially when one part of the relationship is a King.

I was so excited to read more about Meg, Theo, and Galen because I fell in love with them after reading FOREVER THEIRS. A large part of this story centers around the politics of Thalania and how it's starting to tear at Meg, Galen, and Theo's relationship. Their love is never in question but the lack of time together is causing problems as each of them keep their struggles locked down so they don't burden the others. It hurt my heart to see these three going through a hard time and worrying about how to fix things. At the same time, I also enjoyed watching them connect with each other again and rediscover why they've fought so hard for what they have.

With someone targeting Meg and trying to break up the royal triad, THEIRS EVER AFTER has a bit of suspense and mystery involved which kept me flipping pages. I also really enjoyed some of the side characters and I can't wait to read Noemi and Isaac's story because they have a lot going on under the surface. I can't wait to read more by Katee Robert!