A review by noveldeelights
Ragdoll by Daniel Cole


One body, six victims. If that doesn't grab your attention, I don't know what will. It certainly grabbed mine.

A body is discovered. Not just any body. It's comprised off six different victims, stitched together to make one macabre find. A "ragdoll", name courtesy of the media.

Detective William Falkes, Wolf, has only recently been reinstated to the London Met. He and his former partner Emily Baxter are now in charge of finding a very clever killer. A killer who isn't done yet as he is taunting them with a hitlist containing a further six names.

Not only do the detectives need to find out who the body parts belong to, they also need to find a way to protect the remaining six potential victims and it's a race against time with the whole world watching.

I loved this book from the very first page! Not just the crime aspect, but the characters drew me in from the start. They're not perfect. They have baggage and flaws and a secret or two, which only makes things more believable and realistic.

It's at times quite dark but it also has humorous parts. All in all, it's a thrilling ride and I had no idea where it was going. Brilliant and a well deserved 5 star rating. I can't wait for the next one in this series.