A review by missprint_
Mortal Fire by Elizabeth Knox


Setting this aside because I genuinely can't decide if it's me or the book. I might go back to it. But I probably won't and that's okay.

The Dreamhunter books are two of my favorite titles. Years after reading them, I often find myself still thinking about those stories and Elizabeth Knox's beautiful writing. Needless to say I was excited for Mortal Fire.

I think the main problem with this book is that I went into it wanting more of what I found in Dreamhunter (and Tziga Hame is mentioned in passing reference as a historical figure in the novel) but the time period wasn't as charming, the setting wasn't as charming, and the main characters were not as endearing as those found in Dreamhunter. It may not have been the book's fault and I may yet come back to it. However as of this writing I couldn't get into and, honestly, I wasn't sure I wanted to because Canny never quite won me over.