A review by emerxxi
Girl on the Brink by Christina Hoag


The book I would give my teen self.

If I could go back in time and give one book to my teen self this would be the one. I can see so much of my younger self in Chloe and her story. I don't normally read YA as the themes generally don't interest me however I'm so glad I gave this book a chance. It was the first story in a long time that I couldn't put down.

Spoilers from here on:

This is one of the realest and most personal portrayals of domestic abuse I've ever come across. I really empathized with Chloe and how she felt constantly walking on eggshells. I was really able to understand her motivation to keep the peace. I felt like some of the characters could have been fleshed out a little more but I think it lends itself well to how Kieran tries to cut Chloe off from her friends and family.

I really think this is a fantastic book. If you're going to give one book to a young woman in your life please make it this one.