A review by lorilaws
The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff


Makie Doyle knows he's different. The whole town knows he's different, but they don't talk about it. Never talk about it. They know that children disappear every 7 years. They don't talk about that either. Mackie's tired of not talking and not taking any action. He's going to get to the bottom of all these secrets and find out a lot about himself along the way.

The Replacement is dark and gritty. In the vain of Holly Black's books. The world that Yovanoff has created is very original and not your common fairy realm. Actually, I think the word fairy was never used in the book. These aren't the pretty things you know as fairies. These are ugly and just a little creepy. I loved them!

I'm not 100% sure I liked Mackie. He was a little emotional and whiny for my tastes. He was overall a interesting main character, but he's wasn't my favorite. No, that title belongs to the Morrigan. She was a wonderfully creepy character. I think I could read books and books about her. All the supporting characters were great. Tate was completely kick ass, Emma was loving and compassionate, and Roswell was the greatest best friend in the world.

My biggest complaint about the book is, it seemed like nothing really happened the first 200 pages and then in the last 100 pages when something did happen, it was anticlimactic. This could just be a problem with me. I was in a bit of a reading rut when I read this.

Overall, this is a fantastic debut. I predict that Brenna Yovanoff will be around for a long time to come. Oh, and by the way, Tim Burton should totally make this into a movie! It was made for him!