A review by indiekay
Out of the Blue by Jason June


I was really worried I'd hate this, because I really didn't like Jason June's first book -- I thought the writing was good in Jay's Gay Agenda, but I HATED the character and every decision he made. BUT I wanted to read this book because I love merfolk.

I REALLY liked the first 80% of this. It kind of falls apart after that for a bit (there's some similarities between this and Jay's Gay Agenda at this point that made me really go like??
Spoilerdoes this author have a cheating kink???
but honestly it wasn't AS bas as JGA, so I'll forgive it.

And the ending.
SpoilerThe ending is NOT a HEA. And there's a lot of hints thrown in in the book that you think the human character is going to become a merman, but then he's like FUCK NO I DON'T WANT THAT, and goes back to the human world. And then in the epilogue his old childhood friend is now dating his best friend, and it's like ??? These bitches never even TALKED to each other during this book and now they're DATING?? I think I'd have honestly liked it more if the human MC and his childhood best friend had been dating in the epilogue instead.

That all said, it's not a bad book. Like I wouldn't buy the physical copy at full price, but if I saw it on sale I'd probably get it (the cover is GORGEOUS)