A review by sam_riccio
The Girl with the Whispering Shadow by D.E. Night

This is the second book of a series to the number of books I don't know the amount of but I know there's 3 so far. I received this one from Netgalley and the publisher in return for a review.

We follow where we picked up directly after the first book and I like books that have done that so we have somewhat of a clear timeline but other than that there isn't a very well kept timeline.

I said in the last book review for this series that we need more Harry Potter themed books to get attention but some of the themes in this book sound like they were taken directly from Harry Potter or books like it and maybe we have to look over that or just use them as comparisons to who did the theme better.

I loved the first chapter art and I thought we were going to get more art like that and I got excited and then we went right back to the regular chapter art and I was less impressed but still very pretty to look at.

This one felt more like Ivy was rushed into doing things and it was a lot of the quill sport and you lose my attention at sports at all and I get disinterested. They hit me with a good little found family troupe though so I will give them that.

Honestly, the fact that nothing of importance with the stone happened until we were 70% in the book is a large reason this book does not have a higher rating from me. I understand that it's a middle-grade series but getting more done quickly would have been satisfying to me.

I'll be continuing the series, I love to support smaller publishing houses and authors so when I get the chance to sit down and buy the series on Kindle the whole series will be bought.