A review by someonesmom
The Woman They Could Not Silence: The Timeless Story of an Outspoken Woman and the Men Who Tried to Make Her Disappear by Kate Moore


Elizabeth Packard is a true heroine. Her story is compelling, frustrating, and uplifting.

Elizabeth is falsely imprisoned in an asylum by her husband Theophilius when she begins to question his religious teachings and starts to speak out about what she believes. Their views of God are radically different. Believe it or not, in the 1800's America not only did women not have rights, but married women also had even fewer rights. Husbands could have their wives committed for just not behaving how they wanted them to.

Asylums had abysmal treatment of patients-the sane and the truly mentally ill. Elizabeth not only goes on to speak out for the rights of women but the rights of asylum patients.

I'm leaving a lot out here because I don't want to spoil too much. Please read this wonderful book and learn about an amazing woman.