A review by timefliesaway
Spinnenfeuer by Jennifer Estep


Do authors read reviews on goodreads? Jennifer Estep at least could read one of it. Or make it stop with these constant repetitions, especially if it’s about a main character or a basic thing like how the elements work.
I know that Owen has violet eyes, I know that Finn is like a brother for Gin, Bria is her lively sister that she thought she lost, and Fletcher trained her to be an assassin. They’re main characters, okay? Unless they’re not mentioned for a whole book, I won’t forget them.


When Finn mentioned vacation I really hoped that him and Owen wouldn’t come with, either gin could have time for herself or Bria could come with. When they announced that Bria and Gin Would at least have a day together before the boys come after, I wasn’t very amused but better than nothing.
Sadly, they didn’t even have 100 pages alone, until Gin called Finn to tell him that they should come as soon as possible. Well, that’s one way to put me into a bad mood.
I do like Owen, just not Finn. Not really. He’s so annoying and I still don’t ship him with Bria.
Bria didn’t mention Finn in a romantically way once when they were out of Ashland and it felt SO refreshing! Ugh, of course only until Gin had to call him.


Does Donavan Caine have any mental problem, beside his arrogance of course? Because he had no problem in kissing Gin in the restaurant of his spouse. Wtf?
It was already pretty annoying how much Gin thought about him, while being together with Owen, but when he started kissing her, I completely lost it. WHAT IS YOUR GODDAMN PROBLEM, DETECTIVE?!
Callie is a really nice woman, I like her. That’s why I still hope they break up, because she’s deserves much better than this detective. Sorry, but if he already has an affair before they’re even married, I’m not giving my blessings. No one should get married at this point.
Unless Gin would’ve kissed him first, then you could argue that it was her fault. But she didn’t, he did. He literally confessed to her that he wants her. He never mentioned how much he loved Callie, while Callie was really into him.
I want truly the best for Callie and I don’t think Donavan is part of that happiness.


But, I do love how Jennifer Estep uses names from characters of her other books. Remember how Estep mentioned a certain Nick A. Medes in the 5th book. That was nickamedes from the Mythos Academy series. Now, Gin booked a house by the sea with her secret identity name “Aurora Metis” — a woman, who had a relationship with Nickamedes.