A review by heather4994
The Goddess Legacy: An Anthology by Aimée Carter


****Spoilers if you have not read The Goddess Hunt and Goddess Interrupted. If you haven't read BOTH you will be reading spoilers*****

Wow! When I started reading this, I thought it was going to be a novella. But this is 400 pages long and it is every bit or even more engrossing than The Goddess Hunt and Goddess Interrupted. It shows how things got to the point they are at now. If you had questions, any questions, about how the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus had come to the point that they are now at the end of Goddess Interrupted, this book explains it all.

The story opens with just after the original six Olympians have defeated the Titans. They know they couldn't have defeated them without Hera and she wants to be leader. But Zeus quarrels with her over people not following a woman. The first story is Hera's and let me tell you, if you don't have sympathy for her at the end of it, then you're heartless. We all know what a cheating bastard Zeus has always been in mythology. But this story shows just how painful it is to her. Just what he does to her to keep her from being happy.

There is a story from Aphrodite's point of view and how she comes to marry Hephaestus. And her affairs with other men.

There is the story of Persephone and Hades, not quite like we've always known it, but close enough to the original that it is believable. She tries to love Hades, but there is always a wall between them and even though she's known she was always going to marry him, she can't seem to love him. You have to be asleep not to figure out why it isn't working out, but you do have to read the story to figure it out.

Hermes has his own story which was interesting because I've never known a lot about him. It was different and makes sense with regards to his story in The Goddess Hunt series.

And finally Hades has his story. We find out what happened before the Goddess Hunt started and what happened to the other girls. Why he let the test go on even in the wake of the murders. And what happened when he first saw Kate.

I got so immersed in these stories winding them into the other two stories so that by the time I finished I feel like I am so ready for the next book. I know why Hera/Calliope is the way she is and I honestly don't blame her. I hate Walter! In fact, I hate most of the Olympians except Henry. They are all selfish and proud and jealous and really don't deserve any happiness. But God April can't come soon enough!!!

If you enjoy this series, this is a must! You will be lost without it. It makes everything fall into place but don't read it first. Read it after the first two books. I don't know why it's called a .5 though. It's a full book with five really great stories in them. It makes a great addition to the series!

I received an E-ARC from the publishers at Harlequin through NetGalley for review for which I thank them. I'll be buying my own hardbound copy though as I love this series and want it for my collection.
Never too many books, right? The opinions expressed are my own and not compensated in any way.