A review by anotherhel
River Marked by Patricia Briggs


This might be one of my favorites of this series. Damn. I feel like I say this every book ahahah

In this one we see a lot of character development. We get to know her roots and see how much her relationship with Adam has grown. I just love that she is the one to save herself. To save others. I love this series so much for it. It's just so awesome to see a strong female character who has feelings and stuff that people usually do :p

Also Coyote is the best.

I want you to know that I fought to get back to you. I didn’t take the easy way out. I didn’t give up. I fought this death because I had you waiting for me on the shore. If it had been possible to drag this puny mortal flesh back to you, I would have done it, if I had to crawl to do so. I would have walked through Hell to get back to you, and only failed because of the weakness of my body, not of my heart.