A review by nick_jenkins
Collected Body by Valzhyna Mort


"What is love if not a need for a beholder, a witness; if not the possibility to be immortalized in the story of another person? The insect caught in a drop of amber knew what it was doing. Neither helper nor bystander. Your blood runs like a tape of an implanted recorder. You are my plan for immortality. The audience for my privacy. I'm molding you into a gravestone of all the words and images of myself I won't be able to sustain forever." (from "Zhenya," one of two long prose poems in this collection)

Okay, so maybe there's a bit of morbidity there along with the romanticism, but when has romanticism not intertwined love and death?

"often to shed light on the darkness,
light isn't enough. Often what I need is an even darker
darkness." (from "Mocking Bird Hotel")