A review by liferhi_inspired
Daughter of Glass by Vicki Keire


When I first read the synopsis for Daughter of Glass, I thought that it was an interesting concept for a story and I as excited to begin reading it. Unfortunately, the story missed the mark.

While I thought that the concept was unique ad exciting, the execution wasn't there.
1. This is a pretty short book (roughly 175 pages), and contained way too much fluff and not enough actual events to keep you locked into the story.
2. I just couldn't seem to connect with the story line or the characters until about the last 25% of the story. By that time it was a little too late. Many times throughout the book I just wanted to add it to the DNF pile, the only thing that kept me going was that the book was so sort. Still it took me three times longer to finish that it usually would have because I just couldn't connect to the story.
3. This book contains and insta-love that just feels forced. I'm not a huge fan of insta-loves in general because they usually are written well, which was the case with this one.
4. The main character is 18y/o and still in high school. Ok, no big deal... until she sleeps with the her insta-love after only seeing him twice. I get the whole sleeping with stranger things, but she's still in high school and it just seemed wrong to me.
5. The amount of repetition within this short book is annoying. I got the details the first time, I don't need them beaten into me.

Overall, I was not a fan of the book and only finished it because it was so short and I HATE walking away from books. While the idea behind this book was unique and interesting, it was poorly executed.

*I received a copy of this e-book in exchange for my honest opinions*