A review by lostinagoodread
1222 by Anne Holt


Originally published on Cozy Up With A Good Read

I found this book thanks to a great post over at Book Spark that highlights some new releases on Netgalley. This one sparked my interest because I love mystery books. I was intrigued with the idea that there are so many people trapped in this hotel together that it makes it hard to figure out who the culprit is.

I had some difficulties in the beginning with this book, not that it was bad, I just couldn't seem to find myself getting interested, I feel like there was a little bit too much going on in the beginning of the book that I couldn't wrap my head around everything and everyone. I found it difficult to remember all the characters, the names made it a little difficult (understandable because they are Norwegian). The main disappointment I had was the ending, there were still questions left unanswered as to what was being concealed throughout the book (I'm wondering if it will be answered in a forthcoming book since this is a planned series).

It did start getting interesting though when the murder happened, I found myself wanting to read more to find out who it was (which after awhile I kind of figured out...) but Anne does a pretty good job of taking the reader in circles of who the culprit is. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster with this book, it would get interesting at points where I didn't want to stop and then I found there was so much happening and I wasn't really interested. I finally got really interested in the last half of the book and just really wanted to find out what happened, and who this secret thing was that was being hidden from everyone.

I enjoyed the mystery to this story and Anne Holt has some great writing, she really gets inside Hanne Wilhelmsen's head, readers get to see how she thinks through things. This was an interesting beginning to a new series and I would like to see where it gets taken from here.