A review by becsa
Blood Flows Deep by N. Isabelle Blanco


This was an interesting read that I found somewhat difficult to get into as I was trying to figure out who was who is past lives and how everyone was intertwined. One part that I found confusing was that Dyletri was once Salicyar until he was betrayed by the Aviraji and he became Dyletri.

Ismini was a tough girl who was almost used as a pawn and I couldn't figure out why Enteax and Lisrin knew right from the beginning that she was the one that Dyletri was after. But they didn't give up and some not good things happened because of it.

I liked that Dyletri and Ismini were able to act on their feelings and figure out what they meant to each other. The role of Nylicia was interesting and I found myself very intrigued by her and what she could do.

I liked the ending and the change in Ismini and I wonder if the same thing will happen with her best friend, Evesse.

I found the book interesting but found it didn't grip me the way that others have.