A review by brian_the_reader
You Are the Music: How Music Reveals What it Means to be Human by Victoria Peterburgsky-Williamson


I debated giving this two stars, but couldn't bring myself to do it. One could argue that nothing is wrong with this book. A good retort might be the lack of serial commas, confusing anecdote with data, and abandoning the scientific method in the final chapter are indeed wrong.

While these things are all true, the core problem is the signal to noise ratio. For readers who have read any books (or articles!) on these topics, nothing new will be presented. For readers who haven't yet delved into this field, they will be presented with only a surface dusting of references to studies, with an outsized percentage of the words dedicated to set up and restating previous points.

This book would have been better as a series of three short blog posts.

I am fascinated by this topic and will look for other books in the field.