A review by bluelibrarian
Spera, Volume 1 by E.M. Carroll, Josh Tierney, Rebecca Taylor, Hwei Lin Lim, Kyla Vanderklugt, Afu Chan, Olivier Pichard


While this is tagged/marketed/shelved as YA, I think it would be most appreciated by a seasoned fantasy and graphic reader. This can certainly be a teen reader, but a casual or reluctant reader may be turned off by the chapter-to-chapter change in illustrators and their widely varying styles. I personally really enjoyed seeing the different interpretations of the three main characters especially, though cohesiveness was an issue; I back tracked several times to re-read previous sections because I was worried I missed something. As a librarian, I wonder who is reading this; adult YA readers like me or actual teens? I can imagine myself as a teen picking this up for the classic fairytale/fantasy elements and charm, but I wonder if I would have stuck with it?

All this said, I am enjoying these adventures and have moved on to [b:Spera, Volume 2|13590694|Spera, Volume 2|Josh Tierney|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1391978433s/13590694.jpg|19178681].

P.S. long live Chobo the warrior cat!