A review by monalisalisa
Stay with Me by S.E. Harmon


I don’t know what it is about S E Harmons books but I never really sympathize or really care about the characters. I’m not sure if she’s trying to make the characters unlikable or if she is just trying to show ‘good’ people make poor decisions. I didn’t like they she tried to make us sympathize with these characters while they are obviously doing wrong things.

I did not like the aspect of cheating in this book. Both characters know that what they are doing is wrong but they are doing it anyway and I know that that is a human thing but when you try to justify it as just him trying to ‘figure’ himself out it doesn’t work. He was just using the excuse that he is not sure if he actually is gay or likes men so I’m just going to experiment with you while I have a fiancé.

I also feel like they way the story line with the fiancé ended was just wack. They just brushed over it. Oh she cheated so we broke up. What a hypocrite because he was also cheating! And we never got clarification if the baby was his and if he ended up telling her that he cheated on her too.

Oh well