A review by kate2440
Mortal Obligation by Nichole Chase


I've been putting this one off for a while now although I don't know why as I love Nichole Chase's work.

I'm not a huge fan of this cover as although the girl in the cover reminds me of Ree the girl used looks fake she looks as though Photoshop was used a lot here. I do like the rest of the cover with the use of colours makes it stand out plus I like that it looks like the location used in the actual book.

Mortal Obligation is unique in that I haven't read a paranormal book like it which was a nice change but there was other parts of the story that was what every YA book involves. When I first started Mortal Obligation I was hooked and I couldn't wait to see what on earth was going to happen next, however, I felt it dragged a bit in the middle. I felt the romance side of the story was lacking and I didn't quite believe in the feelings plus I am a little sick of love triangles at the minute which this story has. Most of the story was getting to know about the powers that they all have and learning how to use them which I think was the reason why it dragged as it felt repetitive. The last quarter of the book was back to being hooked with some surprises that I never expected and then left open for the rest of the series which I am very much looking forward to reading.

I pretty much liked all of the characters, especially some of the secondary characters. Ree was an okay character as she was a strong person but with her being put on the sidelines it made her (understandably) whiney. Paden was a nice enough character as he was sweet and protective of Ree but he also kept changing his mind about whether he should be with Ree or not. Roland I liked as he came across better than Paden. Out of all the secondary characters Weylin was my favourite as he added much needed humour to the story.

Overall, not my favourite Nichole Chase book but that in no means that it wasn't an enjoyable read as for the most part I enjoyed it, it was just the dragging in the middle that brought it down.